Was your car towed?

1. Check the evidence.

It’s always a good idea to check the evidence. Before you get your car back, take a look at your surroundings. Look for restricted parking signs and indicators around the area. Take pictures of the signs, especially if you believe that you were towed without a valid reason. It can also help to talk to possible witnesses or other drivers who may have parked their vehicles in the same area.

2. Get your car back.

The next step is to get your vehicle back. If you do see “No Parking” signs and there’s a number listed, call it. If not, call the local police department. They will give you more information on your vehicle’s location and you can go pick it up. Call a friend or family member to drive you there or a local cab/uber. Just be ready to pay the posted fee. Usually, the fees can only be paid in cash, so make sure you are prepared.

3. Read over the documents.

Be sure you understand why exactly your vehicle was towed before leaving the holding lot. Ask questions and don’t sign anything without first reading and understanding it. No one can legally hold your car for anything more than the posted fee. If you disagree with the tow, or believe the towing was wrongful, you have the right to a tow hearing.

fire hydrant

Why Might Your Car Be Towed?

There are many possible violations that may result in your car becoming towed. Here are some common factors you should be aware of.

  • Blocking a Fire Hydrant
  • Obstructing traffic
  • Parking in a marked “Tow Zone”
  • Covering access to a handicap ramp or sidewalk
  • Suspended or unlicensed driver
  • Expired registration
  • Unpaid violations
  • Code Enforcement
  • Parking on Private Property
  • Abandonment of vehicle